
Showing posts from April, 2023

The loosened Jeans

Hi readers,  It's been a long while as good as 3 years since I last posted, but amidst all the things happening I didn't stop trying out new and different things, I just to give you a little update about my life, Successfully completed my under-graduation college (waiting for results) and working towards impacting/transforming 1 Million lives of the Youth. Finally on gaining more clarity in life, have started working on my passion. What I'm about to share with all of you today is not merely a post or story but is an emotion that I felt almost brought me to happy tears, I might end up looking stupid to a few, but what matters to me is how I feel about it. Obviously what I am about to share is quite clearly given away by the title but anyway let's get into it. Since the fifth grade whenever I look at myself in the mirror, I spot the same old fatty little girl in front of me, there's no doubt that I didn't love her I absolutely did, do and will love her forever. Bu