Glory of making it happen 🍃

"All glory comes from daring to start."
Hello guys! I'm back with another blog. This blog is little long one so hold-on to your seatbelts and do read it till the end.
2020 has really been a tough year and right now we are just quarter-way there. Firstly, in January the Australia fire outbreak, next, in February conflicts between USA and Iran and lastly, now, in March the severe outbreak of the corona virus also known as covid-19. I know that by now you all are well-versed with what coronavirus is, so I will not talk about that today. But, rather I am here to talk about being quarantined.
As I am based in India, most of the things that I will talk about will be around what is currently happening in India. Starting off, I feel that the chance of being quarantined is once-in-a-lifetime opportunity where you are asked to be a hero by staying at home. You all must be well aware that we have a 21-days lockdown in India. So, taking this into consideration I would like to share few ways in which you can make the most out of these 21 days.
In these 21 days, each and every individual can start by focusing on self-development. This is your opportunity to stay home and bring the maximum out of you. This is an investment that you are making to in yourself.
For office-goers, it is work-from-home thereby saving a lot of time that was otherwise wasted in commuting.
We humans have always complained about avoiding the thing we love by simply saying that we don’t have enough time after coming back from work/college/school/etc. This is the perfect time as it takes 21 days for anything to turn into a habit.
If you always wanted to start working out but you were not able to manage due to lack of time, now is the time! You can start home workout plans. You have a reason to eat healthy to grow your immune system strong and also you can no longer make excuses that you aren't able to quit outside food as everything is shut down due to the lockdown, Therefore, you can easily take your hands off the junk and unhealthy food. Prepare healthy food at your home with simple ingredients and remove the notion that healthy food isn't tasty. Trust me, I have tried it myself and it is indeed very tasty! So, go for it and once you start doing it, I bet you will just love it.
Next you are being provided with an amazing chance to stay at home, sleep extra-long hours, try cooking new dishes, help-out your mother in daily chores. You can pursue your passion - it can be drawing, dancing, singing, learning some new course, watching movies, playing a musical instrument – anything! This can be a wonderful time when you begin doing what you love. Even I have started learning new things during this quarantine period like I'm learning guitar, calligraphy, writing blogs, reading new books, doing home workout, cooking new things and I am really enjoying doing all this. You should try it too. For me Quarantine is a chance to bond again with my family. Lately, we are helping each other out by dividing the household work, having meals together, watching movies, playing board games. While doing all this, it reminds me of my childhood times when I had to worry about nothing - just sit at home, play games like a summer vacation of third or fourth grade. Please readers don't hesitate spending time with your family (P.S you don't have any other option!:D) Keep your phone aside and make the most out of the situation. Maybe this is the only time where we would actually spend some quality time for such a long span. Because I always believe that from past, present and future the only thing that is in our control is the present, so let's stay in the present and enjoy every moment.
By not going out, we are also helping our environment. Since vehicles, factories, construction sites are currently shut down, since there are very minimum number of people going out, there is a drastic reduction in pollution and even the air quality has improved a lot. The water is getting cleaner and even the dolphins have come back to the shore. Here is a small clipping-

Due to constant honks, noises of people talking, factories working, noises from constructions sites, moving trains there used to be a lot of noise pollution and now we can experience silence around the country. Stay home, stay Quarantined, give the earth its chance to heal! Support it as it is for our benefit.
Apart from all this please, take time to appreciate the policeman, the doctors, the nurses, the volunteers and every other person involved who are risking their lives so that we can stay safe and protected at our homes. There are still few people who don't understand the meaning of lockdown and are simply leaving their house just to roam around. To all those people it's a humble request please stay at home. Lastly, I would request each one of you to take all the safety measures for you and your family and also think about the stray animals. Let us all take these 21 days quarantine as a perk. 
"Let today be the start of something new!"
With this I will finish my blog!
I hope you were able to see the positive side of this quarantine situation and I hope I was able to help you. If you like it then please share this as much as possible and please let me know in the comments section below.
Signing off as 


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